One of the Greatest Lesson of My Life

One Of the Great Lessons of My Life In the humdrum of modern life, we sometimes forget how much we can learn from those experiences to which we consider to be unpleasant. Photo by Silas Schneider on Unsplash I started my teaching career from a Federal Govt. Intermediate College as on ad-hoc basis. I used to be very happy when heard the word ‘Professor’. It was quite a new academic world that remained a permanent faclicity in my life. The session normally started in August and ended by the end of Send-up exams in January or February. The rest of the months passed quite leisurely manner. One of the happiest phases of my life. During my whole tenure in that college, I had a lot of experiences that I can share.  Okay let’s come to the main topic: There was also another professor in English department. His sir name was Khattak. He was very jolly fellow and used to keep his students enjoying their life. I didn’t usually get much time to have chat with him. He was engaged with ICS classes a

Great Loss in Anger|reading Comprehension passage | in English Grammar

Comprehension Passage No 2

14| My First Favourite Story: A Great Moral Lesson

by Muhammad Masood Sadiq

Sometimes a little incident in life teaches you more than enough for the whole of your life, and the incident keeps an asset of your life. The following story is one of those stories that taught me a lot in my life and kept me saved from many disastrous incidents. I would like to narrate all those stories which always helped me many times. I would love to hear new moral stories from you and I will keep sharing here mine for your guidance.

Once there was a hunter, he used to hunt the animals in the woods and was always accompanied by his pet eagle during his ventures.  He loved his pet very much and enjoyed his company so much. One day he wandered all day long but found nothing to prey on. He was very disappointed and tried to overcome his exhaustion. He was also tormented by thirst as he found a very tiny spring under a groove by the side of a steep cliff. Though he found water, he had to struggle hard to get it. He filled his pot with all his might, but as he was about to drink his eagle came swiftly and skillfully spilt his water from the pot. All the water dashed to the ground. He again filled his pot with a great struggle, but again his eagle did the same action. After the third time, he got ferocious and was not able to control his anger, and killed his very loyal eagle with a dagger. Now he could not help waiting, so he hastened upward to find more water from the spring. He kept struggling to get water to quench his thirst. When he reached there he was stunned to see a deadly poisonous snake that lay in the muddy water on the top of the cliff in a little trough.

This story tells us a great moral lesson that you should never try to decide anything when you are angry because anger inhales your wisdom, and you may commit some blunders that you cannot revert later. 

In most situations, you feel humiliated before someone, and wish to speak your anger. However, after this ferocious act, you not only lose relations but also lose your peace of mind.

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Comprehension Passage No. 2

1. What did the hunter get used to?   

ANSWER= (B) used to hunt animals in the woods
Explanation: He was a great hunter.

2. What was he accompanied by?

ANSWER= (C) an eagle 
Explanation: He was accompanied by an eagle during his adventure. 

3. What does 'venture' mean?.

ANSWER= (B) adventure
Explanation: adventure, compromise, endanger, gamble, hazard, imperil, jeopard

5. What does 'deadly poisonous' mean?

ANSWER= (C) very harmful
Explanation: It is used to describe harmful and poisonous things that are not useful for human beings.

6. What did make the hunter exhausted?. 

ANSWER= (C) his thirst 
Explanation: His thirst made him ferocious and abnormal

7.  What does the writer want to infer from the story? 

ANSWER= (B) anger shuns wisdom
Explanation: The winter wants to infer that one should not make a decision in anger. 

8.  What is a suitable title for the story?  

ANSWER= (B) haste makes waste
Explanation: Another tile of the story is "Haste makes waste".

9. What is the synonym of 'tormented'?  

ANSWER= (B) afflicted
Explanation: Soffocated, agonized, anguished, bedevilled, beset, besieged, cursed, persecuted, plagued, tortured. jug. 

Click here to learn and attempt a Test of 'since and for'

10.  What is the mood of the writer? 

ANSWER= (D)  a narrator 
Explanation: He narrates a story of a hunter to suggest a moral lesson

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