
Showing posts from March, 2023

Poem's and Poet's Names -Book III

  Poems & Poets of Book III   1. The Rain by William Henry Davies 2. Night Mail by Wystan Hugh Auden 3. Loveliest of Trees, the Cherry Now by Alfred Edward 4. O Where are You Going? by  Wystan Hugh Auden 5. In the street of the Fruit Stalls by Stall Worthy 6. A Sindhi Woman by Jan Stallworthy 7. Times from Ecclesiastes by some unknown poet   8. Ozymandias by Percy Bysshe Shelley 9. The Feed by Ahmed Nadeem Qasmi 10. the Hollow Men Thomas Stearns Eliot 11. Leisure by Williama Henry Davies 12. Rubai'yat by Allama Muhammad Iqbal 13. A Tale of two cities by John Peter 14. My Neighbour Friend Breathing His Last! by Bullah Sha & Translated by Abdur Rauf Luther 15. He Came to Know Himself by Sachal Sarmast 16. God's Attributes by Jalaluddin Rumi & Translated by Dr. Nicholson 17. The Delight Song by Navarree Scott Momday 18. Love-an Essence of All Religions by Jalaluddin Rumi & Translated by Dr Nicholson 19. A Man of Words Not of Deeds by Charles Perrault & Transla

Why social media is promoting fake news ?

View Forms of the Verbs I've been interacting with this social media since 1999, starting chats on Facebook, and using many other useful apps.  Being a teacher I have been preaching the value of self-respect, self-awareness, and self-confidence on a priority basis. Every new arrival either in the form of an App or Website, I was thrilled and expected to earn money passively. Till now I have paid Google only for promotional purposes or to buy some domains in some way or others. The only money so far 💰 I've generated in the form of software is like this: This is my total earnings for thirty years. Benefits of social media . Apart from all that I said above, I have gained much of it. Following are such learnings: 1. Art of thinking 2. Positive attitude 3. True Spirit of Love 4. Knowledge of the vast universe 5. Meaning of perfect system 6. Man's psychology with money   7. Surprising value of Vitamin D 3 8. Basic concepts of English Grammar 9. Precious relationships wit

What is money for?

When you need money and you refuse to accept it. Does it happen in your life once or twice? Oh! It means you're being tested to promote your level in life, living standard in life. It means you consider your life not only to get material wealth but also to see another side of the view.  You don't take life for granted at all. You have an inner eye which helps you see the hidden values of life. You are very considerate towards the needs of others. You are a really very lucky one!        On the other side, you need money to fulfil your needs. How to meet these challenges? Yes, of course, you have to make choices. Now you hinge with your fulfilments and obligations. For instance, your kids need uniforms and new shoes for the new session and you have very limited resources. In such a situation, you'll ignore your personal needs and decide to carry on with the previous stuff. There is a sudden rise in the prices of goods and you're a salaried person. What will you do, defin

Chatgpt Latest News

10 Tools for Productivity Created Using ChatGPT Masood Sadiq March 13, 2023 ChatGPT Here are the 10 most important usages for the genius. Every day one needs to perform various tasks regarding information technology either one is sitting in the office or in some university or college. No one can deny that AI has penetrated in our society. Every day emerging new entrepreneur on the web of global world. More and more development is expected by the users of Chatgpt. Owing to manifold useful features provided by ChatGPT make it exceedingly simple to automate time-consuming procedures and promise to enhance client experiences. It helps to develop the customer's experience across the world trade center.  Here are the top 10 tools developed through ChatGPT to boost your productivity ChatGPT Desktop :  With easy operating shortcut methods,  ChatGPT Desktop is a versatile and amazing tool, available on macOS, Linux, and Windows platforms, allowing users to access ChatGPT and export their co

A Weak Personality vs a Strong Personality

There  is a very distinctive difference between a strong and a weak personality, though it is desirable to everyone.  It is not a very easy and simple matter. One has to pay the price for it. Mostly, people think that they don't commit any sin and that's why they are righteous.  They believe to be void of well-known sins discussed and commonly addressed by religious scholars publically and openly They actually talk about direct sins, such as drinking, gambling, illicit earnings, hoarding, adulteration, bribery etc. But they really don't know how many other sins they are committing with the help of their own  TONGUE . We don't think that how much we speak and are used to telling lies directly or indirectly to our acquaintances every day just because of maintaining our social status quo . In Surrah Al-hujrat  - ( Ayaat no 12 ) Allah says: Translation:  "O you who believe, beware of two many assumptions/suspicions, surely any assumption becomes a sin, and do seek faul

10 Great and Surprising Benefits of Vitamin D

The Earth is the only place where God has created all Food Items for all his creations to survive, and man is the only creature who has to learn how to survive on this planet. From his birth to his death he keeps on learning. What we find in the books today is the essence of his experience and knowledge of centuries and centuries. For ages, he has been doing experiments and with all his sources he still needs to learn for tomorrow. (an image from Google) Before you start reading this article, I tell you that I am not a doctor or dietician. I am simply a teacher and try to learn every day something new. I am very much thankful to .my family  Doctor  for her timely advice and David Harris whose short article:   10 Surprising Vitamin D Benefits   has made my belief stronger that nature has its " healing power ." A short summary of his article: 1. Vitamin D strengthens our immune system . 2. It helps to prevent certain types of cancer .  3. It makes our mood pleasant .  4. It he

How to Make the Best Use of the Opportunity

Every dawn brings great opportunities in your life, and it's up to you how you manage or avail yourself of these stunning opportunities.  Question: How you can do to make the best use of the opportunities you get every day? To make the best of these opportunities you need to control your emotional system and keep all other external factors on and on. All these external factors are beyond your control and supervision. It is true that they affect you in some ways or others, yet it is only you that can make it good or bad. You just keep on doing your way in the best manner, and one day you will be in really a good position to understand everything better. As Einstein said: “ Look deep into nature, and you will understand everything better .” In confusion and frustration, we forget what w have and what we can do to cope with the situation. We have to see it through our experience, or others' guidance.  There is a solution to every problem, we just need to be patient and humble in t

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