One of the Greatest Lesson of My Life

One Of the Great Lessons of My Life

In the humdrum of modern life, we sometimes forget how much we can learn from those experiences to which we consider to be unpleasant.

Photo by Silas Schneider on Unsplash

I started my teaching career from a Federal Govt. Intermediate College as on ad-hoc basis. I used to be very happy when heard the word ‘Professor’. It was quite a new academic world that remained a permanent faclicity in my life.

The session normally started in August and ended by the end of Send-up exams in January or February. The rest of the months passed quite leisurely manner. One of the happiest phases of my life. During my whole tenure in that college, I had a lot of experiences that I can share. 

Okay let’s come to the main topic:

There was also another professor in English department. His sir name was Khattak. He was very jolly fellow and used to keep his students enjoying their life. I didn’t usually get much time to have chat with him. He was engaged with ICS classes and taught English to medical and engineering classes. Later I came to know that both of the Principle’s sons were studying in my classes. 

(I was lucky to have model sections to teach. I still have very good names and their longlife bond in my life. They are real assets of my life as well as of this country.) 

Once I happened to hear the name of Miss Universe, Ashawrya Rai, passing by his classroom. I was really shocked by the roars of laughter in the class. 

Probably, on the same weekend, he said to me in the staff room, “Do you want to prove that Khattak does not teach well?” 

The words fell like a bomb on me and I couldn’t help controlling myself. First I couldn’t get what he had said. Very next working day I went to my respected teacher who was teaching Islamic Studies in Govt. Murrey College Sialkot. (My second mother institution).

I told him about my issue. He listened and very politely replied: “Do you think as he says to you?” I sad, “No.” Then he said, “Go and teach with full and more devotion. What makes you worry?” 

My foggy mind got his excellent piece of advice and it changed my life altogether. I used to recount his golden words many times in my life. (May God bless his soul in heaven! Ameen!). After a few months or so, Mr. Khattak got himself transferred to some other college, and I had to deliver lectures to all the classes in college.

Later, I came to know that my selection was made due to his non-serious attitude with his profession. The principal was very happy to see my performance. Later, I also heard another remarks by one of my colleagues: “You try to work hard because you are not a permanent teacher here.” 

Sometimes, we depreciate ourselves and cannot make difference between negitivity and positivity of thoughts. When we are disappointed, Satan works upon our positive thoughts, and we are disturbed. By the grace of God, I have learned that when you’re doing well and have evils against anyone, don’t be disappointed or disturbed. 

If you’re disturbed and respond to the situation at once, the other who provokes you gets success.


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