One of the Greatest Lesson of My Life

One Of the Great Lessons of My Life In the humdrum of modern life, we sometimes forget how much we can learn from those experiences to which we consider to be unpleasant. Photo by Silas Schneider on Unsplash I started my teaching career from a Federal Govt. Intermediate College as on ad-hoc basis. I used to be very happy when heard the word ‘Professor’. It was quite a new academic world that remained a permanent faclicity in my life. The session normally started in August and ended by the end of Send-up exams in January or February. The rest of the months passed quite leisurely manner. One of the happiest phases of my life. During my whole tenure in that college, I had a lot of experiences that I can share.  Okay let’s come to the main topic: There was also another professor in English department. His sir name was Khattak. He was very jolly fellow and used to keep his students enjoying their life. I didn’t usually get much time to have chat with him. He was engaged with ICS classes a

Reading Comprehension Passage No 1 (Survival of a Toddling Child - Ch 1) - Learn English Grammar

Since the advent of man on earth, man has been hankering after all luxuries and comforts of life. Only a few get this privilege in their life as they are born with a silver spoon in their mouth. They have everything long before they are born. The rest of the people have to burn the midnight to get the necessities of life. They have to work day in and day out to make their life comfortable and luxuriant

Everybody kept laughing instead they should thank Allah Almighty for his survival. They did not know how I felt embarrassed Anyhow, I can imagine well the black wet clothed body of the victim with only sparkling dark brown eyes of the child till now. After this mayhem was over, everybody tried to hear my experience of that horrifying incident in detail. It was a great disaster in my life. They laughed heartily when they heard that my toes touched many coins at the bottom of that offal sewage!

Click here to read Ch 14- "My First Favourite Story"

Later it remained a vivid picture in his mind throughout his life as the detail was told by the members of the house many a time on his arrival at home. 

I could never grasp that I fell into that gutter, and survived. 

Time passed, and my love for puppies didn't lessen. It got a stronghold with the passage of time. However, my mom always opposed it and discouraged me every time, till, at last, I gave up. I tried my best to shun this wish of mine, but I could not forget it for a long time. With the passage of time, I busied in the swirl of life to earn my livelihood after the death of my dear father. I had just passed my matriculation when my father departed this world. This was the end of the carefree session of my life and started a new world of independence. Later, I had to try hard to keep myself in my educational process. My mother told me to learn some skills and try to meet both ends meet myself. 

Earlier I couldn't find any ways to support myself. I got admission to college and started my onwards journey with a broken heart. With a Stoke of good luck, one day I went to a barber's shop to get my hair cut. There I met a college fellow who changed my life altogether. He asked me, "Can I change my subject? " I replied, "Yes". "What should I adapt to the new one?" I suggested studying Statistics or Journalism. We discussed the subjects and finally, he decided to study Statistics. "Who will guide or teach me?" I said, "Me". The picture of that day is still as fresh as the month of May. It was my first earning that I got my tuition fee from that boy.  Though I didn't ask him to pay for that, he paid me for two subjects, English and statistics and obliged. Later I got another tuition and so on. From then till today, I have never got any free days or any tuition. 

After passing almost forty years or so, one day I again brought home a puppy with white fluffy hair given by a student of mine; and after a few days I returned it back because my younger daughter was scared of that puppy. 

Click here to read Ch 2- "An Adventure with the Puppies"

Comprehension passage No. 1  

1. Where did the writer fall into?  

ANSWER= (B) into the gutter
Explanation: The writer fell into the gutter in his childhood. 

2. What did the writer love most in his childhood?

ANSWER= (D) pupplies 
Explanation: The writer loved puppies the most in his childhood.

3. Who did save the child? 

ANSWER= (B) a cabman
Explanation: A cabman saved the driver. 

5. What is the synonym for 'shun'?  

ANSWER= (C) elude 
Explanation: elude, avoid, dodge, duck elude, escape, eschew, evade, fitness, get around, scape, shake, shirk, shuffle dogs 

6. What is the antonym for 'stronghold'.  

ANSWER= (C) loosened 
Explanation: free, unbind, undo, detach, unfasten, untie, 

7.  How is the mood of the writer?

ANSWER= (C) gladden 
Explanation: appease, pacify, gratify, rejoice, satisfy, warm

8. What does the phrase - as fresh as the month of May- suggest? 

ANSWER= (B) fresh and clear
Explanation: This phrase suggests that the remembers everything clearly still at the present age.

9. Suggest a suitable title for the passage. 

ANSWER= (B) Lasting of a Toddling Child
Explanation: The writer has narrated a story of his childhood when he was a toddling child. 

Click here to attempt Comprehension Passage No 2

10.  What does "a broken heart" mean?  

ANSWER= (D)  without any keen interest
Explanation: The writer did everything with a loose heart


  1. 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩

  2. We can develop a positive attitude by thinking meeting with positive people and by reading the success stories of our national heros

    1. We should also think that these negative people don't exist.

  3. We can develop positive attitude by thinking positive and meeting with positive people


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