Signpost or Discourse structure

Signpost or Discourse Structure Think of it like a roadmap for your writing or speech before the reader or listener: Speakers and writers use special techniques (called signposts) to guide their audience through their argument or message. These signposts help connect what is being said now to what was said before and what's coming next. It's like creating a clear path for the reader or listener to understand. "Discourse structure" refers to the overall organization of a text, like how a poem, newspaper article, or speech is put together to convey the message. It's just like a big picture of how language is used to communicate effectively. Just like a roadmap helps you navigate/go through a journey, these signposts and structures help your audience follow his argument or message.

Labiyk Allah huma Labiyk- Ch 11- A Journey towards the final Destination by Masood Sadiq

Labiyk Allah Huma Labiyk
by Masood Sadiq

Whenever I recall my meeting with a lady standing outside of a lawn at the Haji Camp Lahore, beside the Badshahi Mosque, till now I can't help censoring myself. It was one of the frequent pictures that I am unable to remove from my precious asset of the past. When I caught sight of her, on seeing her appearance, first I thought of her that she was not a pilgrimage at all. How could she perform the Hajj? 

    About twenty-five years ago I was lucky enough to accompany my dearest mother to perform the Haj. Before this privilege, I was quite busy fulfilling all the pre-requisite documentation for the submission of the Hajj application. As per rules and regulations, the females can perform their Hajj in the company of a Mehrum (blood-relation relative). The financial package was supported by my elder brother, but he was not going to accompany her. And my mother was reluctant to perform that Hajj pilgrimage any Non-Mehrum. So one day, at an early lunchtime, she requested me to accompany her. Without any speculation, I at once said, "Yes". Later she told me all about her disappointment and desire. Earlier she had asked her eldest son to accompany her before she asked me to go. He refused to go with her. Similarly, my elder brother didn't show any interest to go with his mother, too. Finally, she prayed devotedly to Allah Almighty before asking me. And her prayer was approved by Him.      

I didn't have money to perform the pilgrimage, and I didn't want to perform it with any financial assistance from my brother. I sold my Honda 125 bike. I could never remove the sight of my bike where I left it in a re-selling store. I could hear its gloomy picture in the pang at the time of departure. Afterwards, I did buy some more bikes in my life but I could never forget my love for my first bike of mine. 
    Later I thanked Allah Almighty many times that I had done a good decision to accompany my mother when I saw many old pilgrimages in very helpless conditions. I would have never come to know all the problems and issues related to the above said rules and regulations regarding females' Hajj pilgrimage if I had sent my mother alone. It was another blessing of mine. Whatever I had learned during this pilgrimage is another long story. ( I will try to narrate all other stories)  
    After performing the Hajj, one day after learning many valuable lessons that still remain a staunch part of my faith I have had, one day at the gate of Bab-e-Fahid, the same middle-aged lady stood asking me: "Hajji, where is Safa Marwa?" - an important Ruken to perform with Umera. Those words fell upon me like a bombshell and my foolish thought struck me hard like steel and a feeling of repentance pressed heavily my skull. 
I begged Allah Almighty for my repentance but it was too late. I couldn't hold the foolishness that occurred in my mind at the Hajji Camp Lahore about that lady.

May Allah bless both of the ladies in heaven. Ameen!


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