
One of the Greatest Lesson of My Life

One Of the Great Lessons of My Life In the humdrum of modern life, we sometimes forget how much we can learn from those experiences to which we consider to be unpleasant. Photo by Silas Schneider on Unsplash I started my teaching career from a Federal Govt. Intermediate College as on ad-hoc basis. I used to be very happy when heard the word ‘Professor’. It was quite a new academic world that remained a permanent faclicity in my life. The session normally started in August and ended by the end of Send-up exams in January or February. The rest of the months passed quite leisurely manner. One of the happiest phases of my life. During my whole tenure in that college, I had a lot of experiences that I can share.  Okay let’s come to the main topic: There was also another professor in English department. His sir name was Khattak. He was very jolly fellow and used to keep his students enjoying their life. I didn’t usually get much time to have chat with him. He was engaged with ICS classes a


  FOCUSED Life Success New chat FOCUSED. Everyone wishes to be successful in life and tried to follow those course of actions that have already been followed to get successful achievements in life. Only a few of them would come to know the meaning of success. They do follow the course 9f actions but fail to achieve the goal. They must know the real meaning and spirit of a FOCUSED life. They must know the virtues of a FOCUSED life. What is a focused life? A focused life is one's attitude that leads one towards one's goal in life. He must have a direction and learn how to keep up his pace on that direction. He must avoid himself from all distractions. For example, if a passenger has to reach some distant town, he must not detract himself to any other town which comes in the way during his journey. Whatever the situation is there, he must stand by it in order to cope up all the challenges boldly. From 5ge murky depth to beyond the milky way, he had innumerab

Signpost or Discourse structure

Signpost or Discourse Structure Think of it like a roadmap for your writing or speech before the reader or listener: Speakers and writers use special techniques (called signposts) to guide their audience through their argument or message. These signposts help connect what is being said now to what was said before and what's coming next. It's like creating a clear path for the reader or listener to understand. "Discourse structure" refers to the overall organization of a text, like how a poem, newspaper article, or speech is put together to convey the message. It's just like a big picture of how language is used to communicate effectively. Just like a roadmap helps you navigate/go through a journey, these signposts and structures help your audience follow his argument or message.

Poem's and Poet's Names -Book III

  Poems & Poets of Book III   1. The Rain by William Henry Davies 2. Night Mail by Wystan Hugh Auden 3. Loveliest of Trees, the Cherry Now by Alfred Edward 4. O Where are You Going? by  Wystan Hugh Auden 5. In the street of the Fruit Stalls by Stall Worthy 6. A Sindhi Woman by Jan Stallworthy 7. Times from Ecclesiastes by some unknown poet   8. Ozymandias by Percy Bysshe Shelley 9. The Feed by Ahmed Nadeem Qasmi 10. the Hollow Men Thomas Stearns Eliot 11. Leisure by Williama Henry Davies 12. Rubai'yat by Allama Muhammad Iqbal 13. A Tale of two cities by John Peter 14. My Neighbour Friend Breathing His Last! by Bullah Sha & Translated by Abdur Rauf Luther 15. He Came to Know Himself by Sachal Sarmast 16. God's Attributes by Jalaluddin Rumi & Translated by Dr. Nicholson 17. The Delight Song by Navarree Scott Momday 18. Love-an Essence of All Religions by Jalaluddin Rumi & Translated by Dr Nicholson 19. A Man of Words Not of Deeds by Charles Perrault & Transla

Is Love of money the root cause of all evils?

The unification of Europe has long been a goal. In some ways, the Roman Empire functioned as an implied prefigurement of it. The Holy Roman Empire, the Roman Catholic Church, and Charlemagne's realm provided imperfect representations of it during the Middle Ages. Later, several political thinkers proposed concepts for a unified Europe, and both Adolf Hitler and Napoleon Bonaparte attempted to conquer their way there. All these powerful giants achieved their goals, in a very few years. They created great massive bloodshed in the world with inordinate power. Whatever they targeted they achieved but very little time. Ultimate real values survived and only services to mankind survived. Recently COVID-19 did havoc all over the world. Many new businesses emerged and many went down. Only those who kept struggling in the services to mankind survived. They genuinely worked for humanity, and the rest of them declined or tended to decline. There are many institutions which are imparting educa

Why social media is promoting fake news ?

View Forms of the Verbs I've been interacting with this social media since 1999, starting chats on Facebook, and using many other useful apps.  Being a teacher I have been preaching the value of self-respect, self-awareness, and self-confidence on a priority basis. Every new arrival either in the form of an App or Website, I was thrilled and expected to earn money passively. Till now I have paid Google only for promotional purposes or to buy some domains in some way or others. The only money so far 💰 I've generated in the form of software is like this: This is my total earnings for thirty years. Benefits of social media . Apart from all that I said above, I have gained much of it. Following are such learnings: 1. Art of thinking 2. Positive attitude 3. True Spirit of Love 4. Knowledge of the vast universe 5. Meaning of perfect system 6. Man's psychology with money   7. Surprising value of Vitamin D 3 8. Basic concepts of English Grammar 9. Precious relationships wit

What is money for?

When you need money and you refuse to accept it. Does it happen in your life once or twice? Oh! It means you're being tested to promote your level in life, living standard in life. It means you consider your life not only to get material wealth but also to see another side of the view.  You don't take life for granted at all. You have an inner eye which helps you see the hidden values of life. You are very considerate towards the needs of others. You are a really very lucky one!        On the other side, you need money to fulfil your needs. How to meet these challenges? Yes, of course, you have to make choices. Now you hinge with your fulfilments and obligations. For instance, your kids need uniforms and new shoes for the new session and you have very limited resources. In such a situation, you'll ignore your personal needs and decide to carry on with the previous stuff. There is a sudden rise in the prices of goods and you're a salaried person. What will you do, defin

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