
Showing posts from April, 2024

Signpost or Discourse structure

Signpost or Discourse Structure Think of it like a roadmap for your writing or speech before the reader or listener: Speakers and writers use special techniques (called signposts) to guide their audience through their argument or message. These signposts help connect what is being said now to what was said before and what's coming next. It's like creating a clear path for the reader or listener to understand. "Discourse structure" refers to the overall organization of a text, like how a poem, newspaper article, or speech is put together to convey the message. It's just like a big picture of how language is used to communicate effectively. Just like a roadmap helps you navigate/go through a journey, these signposts and structures help your audience follow his argument or message.

Poem's and Poet's Names -Book III

  Poems & Poets of Book III   1. The Rain by William Henry Davies 2. Night Mail by Wystan Hugh Auden 3. Loveliest of Trees, the Cherry Now by Alfred Edward 4. O Where are You Going? by  Wystan Hugh Auden 5. In the street of the Fruit Stalls by Stall Worthy 6. A Sindhi Woman by Jan Stallworthy 7. Times from Ecclesiastes by some unknown poet   8. Ozymandias by Percy Bysshe Shelley 9. The Feed by Ahmed Nadeem Qasmi 10. the Hollow Men Thomas Stearns Eliot 11. Leisure by Williama Henry Davies 12. Rubai'yat by Allama Muhammad Iqbal 13. A Tale of two cities by John Peter 14. My Neighbour Friend Breathing His Last! by Bullah Sha & Translated by Abdur Rauf Luther 15. He Came to Know Himself by Sachal Sarmast 16. God's Attributes by Jalaluddin Rumi & Translated by Dr. Nicholson 17. The Delight Song by Navarree Scott Momday 18. Love-an Essence of All Religions by Jalaluddin Rumi & Translated by Dr Nicholson 19. A Man of Words Not of Deeds by Charles Perrault ...

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