
Showing posts from August, 2022

One of the Greatest Lesson of My Life

One Of the Great Lessons of My Life In the humdrum of modern life, we sometimes forget how much we can learn from those experiences to which we consider to be unpleasant. Photo by Silas Schneider on Unsplash I started my teaching career from a Federal Govt. Intermediate College as on ad-hoc basis. I used to be very happy when heard the word ‘Professor’. It was quite a new academic world that remained a permanent faclicity in my life. The session normally started in August and ended by the end of Send-up exams in January or February. The rest of the months passed quite leisurely manner. One of the happiest phases of my life. During my whole tenure in that college, I had a lot of experiences that I can share.  Okay let’s come to the main topic: There was also another professor in English department. His sir name was Khattak. He was very jolly fellow and used to keep his students enjoying their life. I didn’t usually get much time to have chat with him. He was engaged with ICS classes a

My Idea of Happy Life- An Essay with outline- Important Essays in English Grammar

  My Idea of Happy Life Outline :   Definition of Happiness Happiness vs Sadness Unlimited Desires and limited resources in life. Happiness can be achieved with the Existence of Peace in the world. The Rights and Obligations of everyone. Income and Expenditures of Individual There must exist understanding among the relations Education Ensures Happiness in life Obedience to Islamic Codes of life Conclusion “It is the first point of happiness that man is willing to be what he is.” “Be happy what you are and what you have; be honest and sincere to both; you won’t have to hunt for happiness.” Happiness is like a butterfly that delights us for a brief moment. These fleeting moments may pass very quickly. A happy life is one in which a person enjoys the satisfaction of his mind and heart. The importance of happiness becomes clear in this dull and dreary life. Because life is a long process of getting tired and there can only be happiness that keeps the world going round. Since the

Don't put your all eggs in one basket- in English Grammar

"Don't put your all eggs in one basket" is a well-known proverb. What does that mean, and what this is used for?  Let's have a review of our life today. It's a cycle of 24 hours. How do we use our time and how much do we get or earn from these hours? What are our obligations and duties? How are we able to cope with these responsibilities honestly? What are our expectations from others? There are many questions lurking over our minds.  And how do we satisfy ourselves by answering these questions? It's very difficult to understand the real stream of life that goes on today.  Everyone has a different point of view and has his set of mind in which he performs his duties. Because of human nature, one has his style of learning and offering his services. During this span of time, he gains a reward for his services. Some of them get more than his service because of the different nature of their jobs. There are some physically hectic and some of them are mentally hect

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